Thursday, January 29, 2009

Crushed in Doing

This angel, angel of self
Freed from should
Is the angel
We must create
In each other

It is our right
Kant told
Not to be
A means
To an end
Not used
Our wills
It is this angel
We must be

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This angel, angel of self
Freed from should
Is the angel
We must create
In each other

What a glorious world if we could find more opportunities to nurture the Angels of Self in each other! That's the world I want to be part of. Instead of judgments and fault-finding ... imagine that! A time of shucking the shoulds and celebrating the goodness within.

The truth is we are already gifted with that in subtle ways. My business friend who pulled me out of my despond by reminding me of what I really love and do well. The old friend who fusses at me to simply stop! And go outside for 5 minutes to renew my Special Self. They honor my angel and remind me to do the same.

May the goodness within me honor the goodness within you ...