Thursday, June 12, 2008

Meditation, The Metaphors

Deity the maker
Crafter of galaxies
Well enough an idea
And where does it lead?

It isn’t deity
It’s what’s done
With deity that
Gets dangerous

Deity the ruler
Maker of the math
Good enough an idea
And where does it lead?

It isn’t deity
It’s what’s done
With deity that
Gets dangerous

Deity above, deity in
Here, there, every place
Maker God, ruler god
God the potter
God the math whiz

God at clay
God at blackboard
God the maker
God scientist, judge

It isn’t deity
It’s where the
Metaphors go that
Gets dangerous

1 comment:

Writer Lin said...

“It’s what’s done
With deity that
Gets dangerous”

For some, the ever-expanding metaphors for deity can diminish the spiritual immensity of That Which Is. For others, the metaphors are merely felt as gradients of comparison. Deity may simply be a “spark of the Divine” in the mundane, not to be worshipped and bowed down to, but to be appreciated as more than our 5 senses can apprehend.

Far more dangerous is what’s being done in the name of deity.

Genocide, war, legalized slaughter, torture – so much in the name of God or Allah or deity by many other names.

The evil that’s been justified because “he/she likes us more than you,” the natural disasters that are celebrated as God’s judgmental cleansings, and the prayers demanding pain and retribution for those who are different from us – that’s where it really “gets dangerous.”